Foams that offer increased performance liquid cooling in zero gravity due to their high capillary pressure at high porosities.
Expanding the user base of earth observation insights by easing accessibility via a cloud based answer engine.
Solid-state batteries for reliable operation in most demanding conditions in space.
Compact and lightweight all-glass lasers for aerospace and telecommunications.
Providing shared satellite solutions to make access to space simpler and more affordable.
Measurement solutions for pharmaceutical molecules, powered by astronomy-based imaging technology.
Developing autonomous construction with heavy machines for earth and space.
Using satellite data to improve large-scale site selection and monitoring for wetland restoration.
Developing agriculture digital twins with earth observations and agronomic models.
Using recent satellite images of logistics locations for immediate understanding of the local situation.
Revealing defects and material fatigue inside of composites by listening to ultrasonics waves.
Cutting-edge integrated circuits for satellite on-board data processing with minimal energy consumption.
Single-photon image sensors for high-sensitivity, high-speed and high-dynamic range camera systems.
Community-powered dense network of GNSS reference station that provides high quality RTK corrections for ultra-accurate positioning by leveraging Web3 technology.
Large-scale production of high-quality human tissue in microgravity in space for drug development, testing and regenerative medicine.
Combining large-scale water quality measurements and satellite earth observation data with advanced hydrological models to predict water risk.
Next generation energy storage based on supercapacitors from earth to space.
Using satellite earth observation and weather data to model field crops to quantify the impact of weather on crop yields.
Utilizing space data for developing digital twin of transportation systems for efficient mobility.
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© 2025 ESA BIC Switzerland. All rights reserved.